ACSA Announces 2023 Heartland Whiskey Competition Awards
Inaugural “Top Farmer-Distiller Award” recognizes best farm-to-bottle product
August 29, 2023
American Craft Spirits Association
Press Release
CHICAGO (August 29, 2023) – The American Craft Spirits Association (ACSA) today announced the top medalists in the 2023 Heartland Whiskey Competition, which was open to craft whiskeys from all 50 states that incorporate corn in their mash bill (the mix of grains used to make whiskey). In this fourth, biennial blind-judging event, whiskeys from 20 “Heartland” states competed for Best of Show, Best of State, Top Farmer-Distiller, along with entries from all 50 states that competed in traditional whiskey categories (e.g., rye, bourbon, etc.).
The competition, generously sponsored by state corn marketing associations, took place in early August, in St. Louis, Missouri. ACSA facilitated the judging process and its recent board president Chris Montana—owner of Du Nord Social Spirits in Minnesota—served as Judging Director. Judges selected from the Missouri and Illinois spirits industry by ACSA were chosen for their knowledge of craft whiskey.
Best of Show was captured by Casey Jones Distillery from Hopkinsville, Kentucky, for its Casey Jones Single Barrel Original 4 Grain Wheated Kentucky Straight Bourbon, which also earned the top score in the Four Grain Whiskey category.
Top Farmer-Distiller, a new category for the 2023 competition, was captured by Tobacco Barn Distillery of Hollywood, Maryland, for its Single Barrel Bourbon. Tobacco Barn is owned by Scott Sanders, Sean Coogan and Dan Dawson, the latter of whom operates the farm—family-owned for more than 100 years—where all of the corn for their winning bourbon is grown. Many corn farmers own and operate craft distilleries and have won top honors in previous Heartland Whiskey Competitions.
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