November 20, 2020
Nino Kilgore-Marchetti

Epoch Rye Wooden Anniversary Limited Edition (image via Baltimore Spirits Company)
Baltimore Spirits Company, based in its namesake city in Maryland, is celebrating its fifth anniversary as it continues to release batch after batch of its flagship Epoch rye whiskey. Now, in a variant offering from this one, it has made available at the distillery a limited number of bottled-in-bond whiskeys.
The new Epoch Rye Wooden Anniversary Limited Edition, according to those behind it, is said to be the first bottled-in-bond Maryland rye whiskey to be distilled and aged in Baltimore in at least 50 years. In following the guidelines for bottled-in-bond, this whiskey is the product of one distillation season that has been aged for at least four years and bottled at exactly 50% ABV after maturing in a federally bonded warehouse under government supervision.
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